Why do people physically cut and hurt themselves?!

This is a serious question. I am trying to understand the psychological reasons behind "cutting." Thanks everyone.
I was a cutter for many years and so I can only speak for myself. The pain from cutting made me feel better, I felt I deserved the pain, also, I kinda got a high from the endorphins that the pain released.
I know it doesn't make sense, but it was the one thing I had control over, sort of like how anerexics have control over their food intake, When my life was spiriling out of control, I would release my angst on my body.
I haven't cut in yrs, and I am proud of that. A lot of ppl don't understand it and that's ok, but it is a serious problem.

Other Answers:
depression anxiety failure in life lonesome.
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they are retards
sometimes they feel so emotiontionaly hurt they need to see the cuts and scars to feel real

Feeling nothing..being so numb and depressed that you need to feel pain top even feel alive and human.

they don't know how to verbally express their depressing feelings, so they express them through actions. for example, some people feel like they are to blame for something so they feel they need to punish themselves by cutting or hurting their body.

I have never experienced this myself , but I have read a little bit about it . I think it is for different reasons. Some people do it because they don't know how to handle their usually overwhelming emotions, and cutting is a release for them , some do it because they feel like they don't feel anything and feeling something is better then nothing, I have heard so many say that they cut to know they are alive. Then others do it as a form of self punishment . I think it really depends on the person's childhood and teen years and what they have experienced. Also most self injurers develop poor coping skills .
Bodily Harm
Author: Conterio, K & Lader, W , Directors of S.A.F.E. Alternatives Program

symptom of borderline personality disorder, depression, anxiety, desire to make the pain on the outside equal to the pain they feel on the inside, to combat dissociation, many many theories . . .

It releases the pain inside of them that is too overwhelming to discuss or talk about- or keep inside any longer. It's also a form of control--- like an eating disorder- you can control the pain- you can control how sick you are- you can control the rage inside of you long enough to make it scar you- people SEE scars - they don't see emotional pain that is tucked away.Almost like "ok- I cut myself really bad- NOW can you see that I am hurting?" Sick, but true. Cutting, burning, head-banging, starvation, etc.. All falls into the same category- a form of self punishment. Sometimes it's easier to hurt yourself, than to let others hurt you.

The psychological issue behind ones who cut themselves is a hard one to understand yet so simple. It is the release of pain. Seeing blood come from your body is like watching the pain flowing from you. The stress and the hurting that is inside is comming out freeing you of the stranglation.

It is hard for someone who doesnt have the issue to understand. But basically thats the reason behind it. You would only truely understand it if you were a cutter. But. if you have ever been so severely depressed over something you couldnt change, thats what it is like for them, but they find that cutting themselves releaves that horrible feelings of pain.

Hope this helps


to relieve the pain i feel trapped within my mind that i feel i can not deal with

a sense of relief that i get from nothing else i have tried so far, even my meds or therapy

they say it is an addiction, like alcoholism. yes, it leaves scars like alcohol leaves internal scars on the liver. so it is not as accepted or viewed as a "social" way of coping with ones "issues"

i am hoping to one day recover from self-injury "cutting", but it is a long journey, one that i have to make on my own. with the help of others and meds i am trying to stop, but i have failed a few times and continue to try to stop. it is a daily battle for me.

pie man is wrong to call them retards, b/c that could lower their self esteem, and make them feel worthless, don't ever call them names, espacially on the internet.

But the mainly harm themselves b/c of depression, no one listens when they talk, they feel unloved, and don't know what else to do. But this really isn't the soulution.

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