i recently have been loosin weight and not eatin compul.sively but 9i have start!

how can I MAKE myself not do that.. itsa nnoinyg.. oh and.. 2 question in one.. if i have been burnin fat.. what is a wuicker way to burn fat.. other than .. cardio.. and drinkin lots of water..i exercise a lot in a day
You started eating compulsively on what. I mean is it a sugar craving a carb craving or what. It is great that you started to lose weight but I can't really help unless I have a better understanding on what you have been doing. Most people have cravings because they are lacking something. For example we crave sugar because we are lacking the proper amounts of protein. I hope the link below will help out.

Other Answers:
Start keeping track (and I mean write down) everything - in exact amounts - that passes your lips during the day. And moreso, explain WHY you are eating. If you can identify the cause - accessiblity to food - boredome - emotional eating, then you can begin to deal with finding the remedy.

There is a great website with some awesome articles to help you on your way. It's like E-Diets only better and it's free! They have meal plans, article for every subject and a great support group among it's members.

They wont start sending you useless e-mails and you go at your own pace. I love it. It's helped me develope a new healthier lifestye, which is what you have to do to have perminant weight loss!

Just check it out. and tell them Thin4summer sent you!

Once you start, I know you wont be disappointed.

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