Do you have to be 18 to buy diet pills?!


Diet pills do work, although not forever. You see, diet pills are like any other drug your body builds resistance to them and their effectiveness wears off when you take them for a while.

They do work short term but there are better ways to boost your metabolism and lose the weight.

There are several ways to boost your metabolism but lets look at the factors that drive your metabolism first.

1. Genetics - you have very little control, but you are not a prisoner of your genes.

2. Lean Muscle Mass - this one throws most people off because women think, oh no I dont want muscles and men think I guess I have to look like a body builder. Lean muscle mass is simply your weight minus the weight of your organs, bones, fluids and fat. You increase lean muscle mass primarily through eating properly, resistance exercise, and a lifestyle that doesnt promote catabolizing activites (smoking, heavy drinking and drug use)

3. Frequency of meals - the more meals the more the metabolic processes take place in your body and the faster your metabolism.

4. Water Intake - dehydration is a major drag on metabolism.
Most people are dehydrated and they dont know it.

5. Sleep - getting enough rest allows the body to function at a higher metabolic level.

You will learn more than you ever knew about metabolism from my source . I cant type it all here, just click the link.

Other Answers:
I don't think so, but save your money. They don't work. Changing your eating habits and exercising will.

As far as I know, yes you do. But all diet pills do is "increase your metabolism" by giving you more energy, which caffeine can do. Coffee is cheaper, and is better for you (antioxidants, etc.). Most diet pills just make you jittery and uncomfortable, make you feel hot but you can't sweat, all a result of increasing your metabolic rate because your body cannot respond properly due to the chemical additives.

Exercise = cheaper and healthier than diet pills. You have to exercise with diet pills anyway for them to have any effect, and it usually isn't much better with them anyway.

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