Why am I so itchy all over?? I shower everyday, and change sheets every week.!


Oh my gosh I have the same problem. Mine is only winter months though. My skin gets really dry in the winter, so I get itchy. You may need to get a really good moisturizer and use it daily. Especially if it's usually during the winter only. Although you could be allergic to something. Have you changed soaps, or maybe laundry detergent? That could be the problem. I changed laundry detergent one time to Tide, and itched all the time. Once I quit using it the problem stopped. Think about what you've been doing different such as soaps and detergents, and that could be the problem.

Other Answers:
Maybe you have allergies to something you ate. Or the weather.

Dry skin, you need moisturizer

It could be the soap you are using.

Sounds like dry skin. Winter can wreak havoc on our skin. If it's not dry skin it could be psoriasis. I would try a soothing lotion first with oatmeal like Aveeno. If that doesn't help get to a dermatologist. You could also try a humidifier. That helps keep moisture in the air during the dry winter days. My advice though is to get a cool mist humidifier, not a warm mist especially if you are itchy!

Is it the soap?

you might be allergic to something, or your skin could just be really dried out after all it is that time of the year, get you a good mositurizer and try it

sounds like eczema there is pills you can get and lotions to help with the itches. be careful you don't want any infection from scratching. see a dermatologist

could be withdraw, dont do so many drugs

It could be a kidney malfuction. drink plenty of fluids about 68 oz a day. and excercise this will help sweat out any bad stuff in your blood
good luck

your skin is like really dry or if u have a pet it might have fleas or ur probably allergic to somethin

1. maybe you have dry skin
2. maybe you have an allergy to either the laundry detergent or something that you are wearing.
3. maybe you have poison ivy
4. maybe you have a bug infestation, i.e., lice, and don't know what to look for

i think you should hightail it over to the doctor. Whatever it is, this isn't normal.

You could actually be showering too much. A hot shower strips your skin of natural oils. Try showering every other day and on the in-between days wash up with tepid water and mild soap (like Dove for sensitive skin). This is true of a lot pf people especially in the dry harsh winter air.

dry skin. Use a bath oil and lotion after bath .

If you shower everyday you may be drying out your skin. Get a good hypo allergenic lotion and apply after every wash. Try not to use too hot of water or stay in longer than needed to get clean (bummer I know). Use it everyday for about a week and see if you notice a difference. Good Luck and don't scratch!

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