Please suggest some good exercises to firm my butt without lifting weight etc.?!


The correct way to do a squat, this is how I do it with a barbell. You should use little weight.

Face the bar lift it up with your hands just outside your shoulders, and your elbows pointing down.

Rest bar on your back, then you pull your shoulder blades together your traps will form a nice shelf for the bar to rest upon.

Set your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly.

From here you descend, you must bend your hips and knees at the same time, to lower your body. Then squat (bend down), make sure your heels stay flat on the floor. - picture for squat

For the lunge you can use ether barbell or dumbells. I think you should use dumbells with little weight. Grab a pair of dumbells one for each hand. Stand with your feet hipwidth apart, then take a long step forward. You want to step far enough so that when you lower your body into the lung position, the shin of your forward leg is perpendicular with the floor. Then execution, lower you body until the knee of your rear leg almost touches the floor. Pause, then raise yourself until your front knee is nearly straight. Keep your torso upright throughtout the movement. Finish the set then switch legs. - picture for lunge

Other Answers:
Do squats and squat-thrusts.

I've heard squats and lunges

walk up and downstairs a lot or go for long walks where there are hills it works wonders and it is more fun than the gym.
personal experience

walkig up stairs

squats, lunges, and walking up and down the stairs!

Squats and lunges.

Hi! I am a mom and dont have much time to exercise-other than running after kids, so this is what I do, and I still have a good shape-you can do this anywhere anytime. Find something to hold your balance, put your feet about shoulder width apart, stand on your heels, and squat, up, squat, up, squat, up, ect. Insider on tummy-sit on edge of bed, couch, ect. and lean back just a little, put your feet straight out in front of you, bring knees up to chest, push feet back out straight, pull to chest, ect. Hope this works as good for you as it has for me!! P.S. maintained 110lbs even after 3 kids!!

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