How can I get into the habit of using a urinal?!

When I was little, i got into the habit of NOT using a urinal. Whenever I try now, I always get embarrased. Any advice?
Ummm.don't use the urinal I guess. =)

Other Answers:
get over it


Practice when nobody is in the bathroom with you.

Try a place that has ice in the urinal.
Is there anything more fun then melting ice in a urnial. Come on Guys. you know what I am talking about. Melt a bug hole in the ice. WhooHoo

this is the strangest question i have seen in a while. good luck.

just remember, its proly just as akward for you as any other guy in the bathroom, but just think of it as this is were you pee, so just walk up and get the job done. And, NO ONE looks at "you down there" anyways :)

It's not a habit. It's your comfort level. If you don't want to, then don't. If you feel like you want to, then try it.
Most guys walk up to the urinal, don't make eye contact or chit chat and just stare at the wall in front of you.
Pee to your heart away!
Rememeber, it's not a convention or a pick up spot, it's a place to release your bodily waste!

Come to Texas. Don't believe everything you hear, Texas has the smallest commodes. Sit on some of these and you will be cleaning underneath the rim. It makes me wish they put urinals in residential homes.


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