what is dandruff of the eye and what is it caused by?!


There are mites that 95% of people have living in their eyelash follicles. I think this is what peternal is talking about. They don't actually cause dandruff, though. Dandruff on your eyelashes is likely coming from your eyebrows. It falls from the eyebrow and settles on your eyelashes. The skin around your eyelashes can also flake, causing something that looks like dandruff. If this is a problem for you, visit your eye doctor. He/she can prescribe a care regimen that will help you keep it under control.

Other Answers:
There are tiny insects that live their entire lives in our eyelashes. When a bunch of them die, they tend to flake off. They are actually useful to us, because they clean the dead skin around each eye lash.

When you start to shower or swim, they lay eggs, and the next generation takes over. This is why its important not to put too much eye liner on, because if you kill them all off, you'll have to wait until new eggs float over into your eyelashes, say when you're sharing a jacuzzi with someone.

We should have them from shortly after we're born, until a lttle while after our body dies.

So don't worry about it!
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