What is the relationship between blood pressure and exercise?!


Your blood pressure is measured by how much your heart has to work to distribute the blood to your organs and cells. If you exercise regularly, you increase the efficiency that your heart is able to pump the blood to the rest of your body. Basically your heart doesn't have to pump as much to be able to get the volume out because it is healthier. I hope this helps.

Other Answers:
Blood Pressure is the force exerted on the wall of the arteries at the time of heart contractions. Exercise and eating right will help you stay healthy. This will help keep you from getting high BP. You do not want high blood pressure. It can be very dangerous.

Blood pressure is how hard your heart has
to pump to get the blood around the body.
Excercise that strenghtens the heart will
make it more efficient, so that will result
in lower blood pressure. The best excercise
for low blood pressure is long distance
running (not sprinting!) because that is
what gets the heart into the most efficient
shape (also called endurance training).

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