After Hepatitis A vaccine my joints are swollen, I have sharp needle-like pains!

I was vaccinated with Hepatitis A vaccine Avaxim and Havrix.I soon had pain and inflammation in my knees-within 2 weeks- and this gradually spread to my hips and hands and shoulders.I also have had sharp needle like pains in my body tissues since the innoculation.Is there an antidote or treatment for this condition?I am sure it is from the vaccination.I even lost my hearing with severe tinnitus for a few months.My doctor has not been able to help.The shot was 3 years ago and the symptoms have continued and spread.Has anyone heard of a treatment or cure to reverse this disease?I am absolutely sure the Hepatitis vaccine is the direct cause.
Try seeing a rheumatologist. It sounds like the vaccine triggered an autoimmune reaction to your joints (your body attacking your own joints), making you develop rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This is not the arthritis people get as they age. You can get tested for RA. They could try you on a course of steroids and see if that helps. There are some new medications to help RA.

I imagine you must be feeling horrible and having all sorts of feelings, wishing you'd never had the vaccine etc. But you had no clue this was going to happen. All you can do is try to halt the progress of what's going on now.

Take care! But DEFINATELY go see a rheumatologist (specialist in autoimmune diseases).

Other Answers:
Wish I could help you. sounds like the vaccine gave you Hepatitis A (just a guess). Get a lawyer and start suing your doctors pants off.

pondering is INCORRECT and the reason malpractice insurance is so high, thus why medical costs are so high, and many people now have to drive hours to find specialists because they are all retiring early due to the costs of practicing medicine.
The girl above me is CORRECT. Sounds like the vaccine may have triggered an autoimmune disease. They tend to be inherited. Anyone in your family have MS, rhumetoid arthritis, ezcema, psoriasis.etc? Go to see a doctor that specializes in autoimmune diseases.
As far a suing goes, I'm sure you signed forms before your probably wouldn't have a case anyway. Sorry!

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