I few times a year I get a really painful pimple on my lip. Is this herpes or ju!

Any sugestions on how to tell?
It really sounds like a pimple to me. If it goes away quickly, or, if you pop it & it looks like a regular pimple - then it's probably just that - a pimple. Cold sores do not pop.

As previous posters have said, Cold sores (herpes simplex 1) itch or tingle before they blister. The blister might ooze a clear liquid, then it will scab over. Genrally cold sores take 5 days to 2 weeks to heal. Cold sores do tend to show up in the same place, but as you get older they will pop up in other areas of your lips.

If it is a cold sore - don't worry. Tons of people have them - most of us became infected as kids. There are great over the counter medicines (abreva) that do a great job of shortening an outbreak.

Other Answers:
it's safer to assume that it's herpes or a cold sore. Herpes is recurrent. Take precautions. It's Best NOT to engage in any liplocks or anything that can cause you to transmit that disease to another person. Once you have herpes, that will stay with you forever. It won't kill you though, it's just painful and not appealing to look at =/ Consult your doctor! He/she can give you antiviral medications or just get any of those over the counter ointments that you can put on it to control the sore.

probably hsv1, you can treat it with over the counter or go to your doctor and get acyclovir to make it dry up and go away faster. Little yellow bubbles? Very ouchy? Itchy before it appears? Scabby when it starts to go away? Hsv1- very common.

Sounds like Herpes.try going to the Doctor for a spot check when you get the inflamation.

herpes would be a blister not a pimple

Probably a form of herpes if it is recurring in the same area. but you have to remember the term Herpes covers a
broad section of skin conditions some not as bad as others
you should have it checked out at a clinic or hosp. if anything for your peace of mind,

You answered your own question, just a white head

Sounds like your having break outs. Sounds like it's herpes. Go to the doctor.

sounds like a cold sore. just let it be and wait for it to go away. I've read that sometimes putting a black tea bag on it soaked in cold water will help the pain.

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