I peed in my pants today!?!

Im so embarassed! My tightey whiteys turned yellow! W This made me think: Why is it funny when someone wets their pants? Why are they embarrased? Its just peeing!
ha ha ha ha ha you peed your pants ha ha ha!!

p.s. tighty whiteys? what are you, eight?

Other Answers:

its funny because its embarrassing to someone else.

That's nothing, today I peed on someone elses pants..

some people pay big dollors to get that kind of action!

ist funny because its not something you see everyday when i was pregnant i did that and i laugh too.sorry that happened to you

Sh*t happens, or should I say Pee happens? Don't worry, there are certain times when biological functions override everything. And I do mean everything!

Depends on you might work better.

might mean you have clamidia

Ha ha you peed your pants. I pee my pants too but that is due to having 3 kids.. I have to make sure that I empty my bladder before running, jumping. and when those sneaky sneezes come i just cross mylegs and hope for the best. So hey I pee my pants too all the cool kids are doing you are not cool if you dont pee your pants isnt that what billy madison said lol

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