I am having a breast job, dose anyone have any helpful advice?!


DO YOUR HOMEWORK! I was about to have my naturally beautiful large B's cut open and turned into some attention grabbing D's when I really did my homework. I saw the pros against the cons and the scale ain't equal I tell ya. All my girlfriend have done theirs with no complications but I did not like the percentages of possible complications or the fact that if I had a complication my boobs would NEVER be the same. I didn't like that I had a 45% less chance of detecting breast cancer with an implant. Or that I may not breast feed if I decide to have children. Scar tissue, loss of feeling, leaking, and now ALL of my girlfriends are due to have theirs replaces. I don't really want some foreign object in my body that has to be replaced every 9 years or that can go flat whenever like a set of tires. So, I suggest you do your homework. I'm quite satisfied with my boobies that God blessed me with and my personal affliction was that I was insulting God by trying to let some man change them.
If you do decide to go ahead with it just make sure you are using a good doctor. After you have your consultation wait at least 4 months before you decide to go through with it.(that was my Dr. suggestion and now I get it) Also, don't go too big. You can always go up but its not easy to go down. Choose the method that is right for you and go BEHIND the muscle!

Other Answers:
Yes.Let me test them out afterward..

ninety two.

Yeah, don't do it.not worth it.

Don't..guys like them real, no matter the size.

Sure, don't do it.

Buy lots of new tops

dont be fake, stay real.
unless you had breast cancer why do it.
natural is way better.

Make sure you think about it carefully because it's not a harmless procedure. There are small but definite risks of complications. Ask yourself why you are getting it done. Do you really need bigger boobs to improve your self esteem? Maybe your breasts are nice the way they are, but you don't realize it.

Many people with self-esteem issues get implants, but it only makes the breasts look bigger, and it does not make them feel any better. Make sure you are doing it for the right reasons.

if u have it show it i can test the result and tell u if their are good or not

yeah get it done i had mine done about a year ago today (happy birthday ) and i absolutely lobe them i went from a b to a large d they are great.

don't go, cancel so your not a sex object. it's a stupid idea so don't do it.

ya guys so don't care just make sure their sexy and hot + i would never do that
i know theese things

just make sure you rest a lot, they will tell you that.

if 2 fluid-filled sacks inserted thru' a cut in your chest will make you feel like a better woman,go for it.

If you think it'll make you more confident then go for it.
Send me a pic to show me the results lol

Yeah, wait till your married and have kids. I went from a B to a D after having 2 kids and my hubby actually misses the B size as do I. Really if the only reason you are doing this is so guys will think you look better then it's not worth it. Wouldn't you rather have a guy like you for who you are??

As a mammographer, I am not a fan of breast implants. As we know, early detection of breast cancer DOES save lives. It is very hard to find an early breast cancer on mammography, even with improved techniques. The implant hides the breast tissue on the film. Please research this aspect of it. If you still decide to have implants, have them put in BEHIND the chest wall. That will allow a bit more breast tissue to be imaged during mammography. Good luck to you and please do your homework!

Here are what some "experts" say. You can go to the links for additional info:

Breast implant interference with imaging breast tissue, with between 22% and 83% of mammographically visualizable breast tissue obscured by breast implants. http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/breastimplants/b-adverse-events.html
In women without implants, mammography detected 67% of cancers. In women with implants, mammography detected 45% of cancers.
Screening mammography missed 55% of breast cancers in women with implants, compared with only 33% among women without implants.

For even more info:

I have also “handled” probably over 2,000 breasts with implants. The far majority do not feel natural. This is especially true when the implants are about 5 years or older.

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