In a nightshift, how do I not get completly bored?!

Any trick?
Make a story up in your head. You could even make a novel out of it!

Other Answers:
sleep on the job!
the security guard at my job

bring a book, walkman/ipod, and snacks

I spend to much time at the computer and watch junk on cable. Working the nightshift is lousy. The only thing open where I live is the grocery store. Talk about loads of fun.

Night shift is extremely hard on your health in terms of pattern breaking. I could last for only a few months on night shift and to make matters worse it was a twelve hour shift. Thinking is first to deteriorate. In a daze much of the week. If we were trained early in life to this manner it would be okay. Boredom is from the brain being not stimulated by anything so you need to do what your job allows you to do. If you are totally satisfied in life you can look forward to your next pleasure. If you are shunned from your group you can try to figure out how they operate. Reading has the ability to let the mind think ahead and behind as you read.

Where I work, everyone is really close. So if you are close with your co-workers, I suggest this. Play pranks on people. We do it all of the time.

For Example:
1. One morning when everyone had started their cars to warm up before we left for work, two women moved everyone's car to a new location. When we left the building, it was total chaos.
2. One nurse poured Cream Soda into a urine specimen cup & diluted it with water (so it wouldn't be bubbly). It looked just like urine. Then when everything was quite, she smelled inside the cup and drank it's contents while a squeemish nurse watched. She even tried to stop her from drinking the "urine". It was HILARIOUS.
3. And our third prank was FAR TOO dirty to put on here, but you get the idea.

Just have fun with the people around you! I LOVE WORKING NIGHTS because of our jokes! Be careful though, some people don't have a good sense of humor.

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