How do I quit smoking?!

Can anyone give me any helpfull hints on how to quit smoking or any easy tricks to help make it easier?
I quit by stepping down. I was smoking full flavors, then i went to mediums. A week later i went down to lights, then to ultra lights. By the time i go to ultra lights i didn't want them anymore. Its easier then cold turkey and you don't have the mood swings. I could never wear the patches cause they made me sick and irritated my skin.

But you have to have your mind made up that you want to quit or it will never work.

Good luck

Other Answers:
I have heard that making a tea out of the tobacco in the cigarettes and drinking it one time has aided many to stop smoking in Europe. But the cigarettes in Europe are probably stronger, therefore making a stronger tea and stronger reaction.

I used nicotine patches. i tried like 15 times.I finally stopped for good last time--about 8 weeks ago.

Can you take some time after work to discover the excitement of reading and meditating the Bible, specially the New Testament, this will take so much of your time that you would not even contemplate smoking. This is the best therapy to stop smoking!

My dad when cold turkey, about 30 years ago, and it went well with him. You can try the patch or join a support group.

Quit buying and ask all your friends that smoke not to smoke in your presence and support your decision to quit smoking. Buy plenty of gum to chew on while you are trying to quit.

Smoking is just as much a behavioral addiction as a physical addiction. If you think of it, you probably smoke when you do certain things. When you do this, or that, you light up. To assist with smoking cessation, you need to change those trigger factors. If you smoke when you wake up in the morning, do something else when you wake up, etc. You need to change daily routines, your daily lifestyle.

Simply put down the cigarettes and walk away. Most of the other stuff is a waste of money. You might gain some weight during this process, but a few pounds added is much better than a life of smoking.

I am sorry to answer this, even though I can't answer your question. Anyway, I joined the Navy, I had to go through bootcamp for about 3 months, I got out and started smoking again, about twice as much as before.

stop for the ones you love and stop buying cigs for that is the best way

go on survior - it seems to be working for him

Put the lighter down and step away from the ciggareete or we will open fire.

check the phonebook. you can probably find numbers for support groups or just someone to talk to to help you plan your way to quit. most are anonymous. there is also patches, gum, etc that can assist you. good luck!

I used a combo of Zyban and puffing on cinnamon sticks

I find that Chewing gum helps alot, for me anyways.

15 months cold turkey. I quit because the will was there. I have tried many times before, but when you REALLY want to quit, it helps the gum, or the patch, or whatever you decide to try work a lot better.

Hide all ciggartes,

go get them quiet smoking pads our sign up for something that all.

I am watching this question for all the answers, I want to quit too. I am weak and addicted.

I have heard that it takes several times to try to quit, most people can't do it on the first try.

Also, gum, candy drops, and the like are to be kept in your pockets or purse at all times for those moments the oral part of the addiction kicks in. Keep a variety of flavors on hand in candy dishes around your house as well.

My father-in-law, after over 50 years of smoking, just laid them down and said "I quit". That was 12 years ago, he hasn't had one since.

try gradually quitting or just try the smoking stuff advertised. im sure u will find a way to quit. good luck.

quit buying them


I quit 7 months ago, nothing makes it easier but the trick I used I didnt quit, I just stopped buying them. I refuse to go into the store and buy them. hope it helps

you cant stop it you just have to think of your life and every thing and then try to quit it thats how you will my mother quited it that way

easy, dont buy ciggarets, and if you do, sell them to s friend that does smoke, or just crush one every time your gonna smoke one.

use a patch

I would say to use patches or gum.

After 30 years with a 3 pack a day habit with hypnosis
One three hour large group seminar with a half hour hypnosis session I quit and have not smoked for 13 years

Let somebody help you to do it. Or find people who wants to quit smoking too and ask him/her to join you.
From a Hotshot!

You started smoking because you wanted to, right? So now you stop smoking because you want to.
When you started you most likely had to overcome some unpleasant experiences such as coughing, dizzyness, smarting eyes, nausea, numbness in fingers, not to mention spending money!. but it was exciting because it was new and it ultimately made you feel good/cool/belong to group/rebellious/grown-up.
Now, you want to stop, you will have to overcome some unpleasant experiences also, all quite tolerable to get to your desired destination of a non-smoker, and until it becomes a habit not to smoke. You've just got to go and do it.
Lots of help at this website.

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