I was thinking of growing a mustash.?!

.should I?
The mustache thing will make you look retarded like Burt Reynolds so unless you want to look like a washed up actor don't do it if you want to look like Burt Reynolds go for it so I don't think it is a good idea but go with the flow just go with the flow

Other Answers:
Shure, if you want to look like a stupid idiot.

woman love guys with a well trimmed mustache..do it!

if your a guy yeah if ur a gurl hell no

grow it if you like then keep

If you're post-pubescent, go for it, dude. (At least I hope you're a dude and not a chic). Yeah, I only thing teenage chics like those "pubes on your upper lip" -type moustaches. Just don't grow one of those "Hitler" ones - or a Fu-ManChu. Those will only get your *** kicked.
Better yet, grow a goat, man.

hell ya man i grew a gotee and mustash and ive been happy ever since it rock DO IT! :D

i dont like mustaches. i dont know why. they only look good on certain people

how about a goatie . .but you know what its your personal expression.So grow one if you feel like it.

well you don't need to, remember if your trying to do it to impress someone you shouldn't you should be yourself and nobody else i like it when somebody is being themself

I don't prefer them. I do, however like a goatee. have you thought about growing one of those?
And I agree with what everyone else says about keeping it trimmed up. It is a must no matter what kind of facial hair you have.
Married to a man with a goatee.

keuford probally cant grow one yet - but yeah go for it - they will come off - no big deal.

Depends on if you talking a Tom Selek mustache, handle bar mustache, or sporting something a bit smaller. I like a nice goatee (sp?).

there is NOTHING sexy about facial hair. or pash-rash

y not a goatee everyone's suggesting it

Burt Reynolds, Tom Sellack, Fu
Manchu's and Handlebar mustaches are all freaking awesome!! Seriously.. grow an awesome, perfectly manicured 'stache and you'll be the man of my dreams. Watch shows from he 70's for inspiration.

If it comes in even and looking good.yup! Keep it trimmed nicely, and the rest of your face clean shaven.

Sure why not. And don't listen to the STUPID IDIOT remark. He most likely CAN'T grow one. But I have had facial hair for as long as I can remember. And I'll shave then let it grow out. BUT I have NEVER shaved my mustache. Right now my head is shaved clean as it will remain for the summer. I also have a Van Dyke. Other than that clean shaven.

It depends on your facial structure, but GO FOR IT! If it doesn't look good, you can always shave it off, but you'll never know if it'll look good if you never try it!

just do it! if don't like it. cut off. don't worry it will grow again.

I don't think that anyone looks good in a mustache, but if you want go for it.

Well since I don't know who u are I would defentaly say I depends on your personalty ! But if you are over age17 & would like one then go for it any thing under age 17 is kinda groossssssss !
My Very Inagitive Brain

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