What foods are diabetics allowed to eat?!


Most foods that have little sugar, or starch content are the best way to go for a diabetic. A good book to read, and go by, is a book called Sugar Busters, written by 3 doctors in New Orleans who are diabetic specialists. I highly recommend it. Delta Burke, of Designing Women fame, found out at her highest weight, that she was diabetic. She went on the Sugar Buster's lifestyle, and changed her eating habits and the end result was lower blood sugar levels, and loss of weight. Both healthy changes for her. I do recommend you get in touch with a doctor.before starting any change in diet, but a good rule of thumb to go by to keep you healthy is to read the label. Anything 4% total Carbohydrates (includes sugar, carbohydrates AND fiber) or below is something you can have. I was borderline diabetic, Type 2, and I started this change on my doctor's recommendation, lost over 170 lbs (my weight is WHY I was diabetic, that and eating too many starches and sugar) and have a NORMAL sugar level! You can go to the site below, and order the book, or get a paperback copy from Walmart for about $6. It's well worth it, and explains how our body works in reference to sugar, starches and the pancreas and chemicals it puts into play. And good luck! I wish you well on this!

Other Answers:
anything as long as not too much
my BFF is a betic LOL

any food, but they need to cover it with insulin.
note: not literally cover it, but inject themselves with insulin.

everything not suger only if suger drops
my dad is one

depends on ur suger lvl

anything and everything natural - fruit, meat, vegetables, etc. What they should avoid is highly processed food and sugar rich foods that add no nutritional value (like soda).

The ones without sugar. My mother has oatmeal for breakfast a lot but she can still have most any foods but deserts must be sugar free or sugar substitute and only diet sodas.

You CAN eat anything you want but you should stay away from stuff with alot of sugar in it, otherwise it'll mess up your gyclose levels!

go to boots and you will get a leaflet telling you they also have a wide range of diabetic foods from sweets to crisps biscuits soup etc

not too many carbohydrates! There is a lot of information on the Internet

Technically diabetics can eat any food but because their disease has to do with the regulation of sugar in their body, they should be careful with sugars.

Diabetes, as I am sure most of you know, is a deficiency or lack of insulin in the body. Insulin regulates how we absorb sugar into our system. A healthy body regulates the sugar-insulin balance automatically but because a diabetic cannot do this they have to add insulin.

Getting the right balance is really important. Too much insulin is dangerous as is too much sugar. The easiest way to regulate this balance is through a consistent diet and a consistent exercise pattern.

Eating foods high in sugar is dangerous for diabetics because it might upset this delicate balance but then again if you know how to adjust your insulin, there are no absolutely forbidden foods.

Diabetics can eat almost any food, the key is moderation, diet, and exercise. Food you want to stay away from is high sugar. like dessert.I'm a diabetic 8 years running and I still eat what ever I want and My blood sugars are an average of 88 - 110.

It's not always easy to just eat small portions, but in the long run diabetes can be controlled. You can live a long and healthy life.

diabetics are urged to eat healthy foods that supply lots of nutrition and to take calcium or a multivitamin along with exercise. you cannot eat everything you want becuase that will mess up the balance that you are trying to make. do not eat food high in salts or fats. if you do you MUST balance it out and eat very small of it. foods high in sugar or not very much needed, but its all apart of balance. if you feel yourslef starting to shake. eat peanut butter or suck on peppermints or something like that that will prevent diabetic commas. also the foods you eat will determine how your body will fight off infections and diabetica cannot be operated on easily or if they get a cut they are prone to infections. foods for diabetics can cause food ulcers, loss of teeth, and worse loss of vision. well umm good luck with working out a good diet

Fruits, Vegetables, Fiber, low fat meals, sugarfree Foods

they sell tjing that are 4 diabetics

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