how can someone cope with lower backache?!

I have a persistent lower backache. It pains more when i sleep face up.
It could be anything really. Your posture. A trapped nerve. A damaged disc.

Have you tried sleeping with lots of cushions to support your legs? eg making sure you are totally relaxed and supporting any areas that feel not so comfortable? A small cushion in the base of your neck? A couple under your knees to make sure your knees dont lock in the night putting prerssure on your spine?

Experiment with it and see what works. My friend props herself on her side in the recovery position and places a cushion behind her back so she doesnt roll over, and one inbetween her knees as she doesnt like the feeling of bone on bone. Her back pain has been tons better jsut lately due to this.

Other Answers:
Get a better matress. Put a pillow under yor knees when you sleep on your back. Put a pillow under your hips when you sleep on your stomach. Go see a doctor and adjust your posture.

Welcome to the club!

You'd be amazed by how many of us there are and how much of this ridiculous problem we can tolerate.

Talk to a doc who "specializes" in back pain.

But don't be too quick to opt for surgery!

This is a complaint that may take long to cure. You have obviously led a life of too much stress for many years.

Do not over-exert yourself. Take sleeping pills if you cannot sleep and you feel you need sleep.

Try to do as many relaxing activities as possible.

I have this problem too. I don't know how bad yours is but I know I feel alot better when I do some stretching. Slow stretching that elongates the back muscles. Like slowly touching your toes. Either standing up or on the floor. It depends on where it comes you stand alot during the day or is it from to much bending or just stress? Either way, try stretching SLOWLY. It makes a big difference throughout your whole body.

Three Things:

Where do you spend the larger part of your day? In office? Check your seating habits, posture during sitting.

History of Back pain - Buddy, go to a good doctor. During sleep, for some days sleep on your stomach. On days, you sleep on your back, slide a pillow under your back, so you get a curve of your back and check your comfort level and pain. I personally think, you are stressing on a certain vertebrae of your spinal cord. Chekc with a doc!

Use oil massage: Have a wife? tell her to use herbal oil and massage the lower bakc area on a regular basis. Check the difference.

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