I found a small lump on my breast and every time I move my arm it hurts bad.It's!

Is it normal? I have a 10 month old baby. Could it be the milk?I don't breast feed.
Something's not right. Go to your doc.

Other Answers:
go see your doc


Regardless of what anyone tells you it might be, make an appointment with your doctor.

Early detection is very important in the treatment of breast cancer. It is better to be safe than sorry - go get that checked out!

go see your doctor.the sooner the better

Go to a doctor and stop using Yahoo to get medical advice.

why are you asking at Yahoo ? go to the doctor right away! you already know what it can be !

go see ur doctor to see if u have something wrong with ur breast before it is too late..stop using yahoo questions for ur medical problems and ask a family member or friend about these problems and they will tell u to go to the doc too!!...go quick the sooner the better!

You may have an infection, or a tumor.

get it checked so that you sure its nothing serious. good luck

I would definitely say go and see your doctor. Especially because you say you are not breastfeeding. If that were the case, I would suggest a possibility of a clogged duct.

Run to the Dr!

Girl, you need to get yourself to an OBGYN.

You need to go the the doctor and have it checked out. I have cystic breast and the doctor told me to stay away from anything with caffeine in it. I know that sounds crazy but it really does help.

It could be anything. Most likely it's nothing to be concerned about, but the only way you'll know for sure is if you get it checked out. Go to the doctor, if it's 'nothing' you'll know and you'll be able to rest easy and if it's 'something' you'll know and be able to get it treated and get on with your life.

I know how scary this is but please don't put it off!

Go to the doctor now. Breast cancer is nothing to mess around with. I let mine go for too long and it only made things worse. I'm not saying that it's cancer, but you don't want to take that risk.
personal experience

Get to the doctor post hast! No, it is not milk.

And you haven't been to a dr yet?! Any lump, whether it hurts or not, should be looked at.

it might be a cyst. go check with the Doc.
try doing exercise regulary, drink water (at least 10 glasses a day)..
breath in the Lord Jesus Christ!
"O Lord Jesus, you are my life. thank you for being my life. thank you for dying for my sins. thank you for giving me this life, but i want to experience you as my life and everything while i am still alive."

See your doctor. It is probably just a cyst (cysts are always benign), but that can be treated so that it goes away and doesn't hurt anymore.

To ease your fears, breast cancer does NOT hurt 99.99% of the time, so you are almost definitely have a cyst (a cyst is a harmless, sac-like growth in the deeper layers of the skin). But you always want to get anything abnormal checked out. Good luck!

I think you really need to go see a doctor. It might be the milk, or it might be something more serious such as breast cancer. Just go to a doc to get things checked out.

if your baby had a lump that made him/her cry every time you touched it a little, would you wait around or would you take good care of your child and have it checked immediately?

Don't you deserve the same treatment for yourself?

There is never a simple answer! EXCEPT THIS TIME.

you are a mom, you have a child, you have to take care of yourself.

RUN, don't walk to any Dr you can get in to see and get it looked at. Even a little infection can turn in to more, a tumor can get worse. . anything can happen.

Time is not something you can turn back and do over.

GO right away.

If you do end up with just an infection . even just a little one, you will not be 100% up for your normal routine and that will take away from quality time with your baby.

If it's something worse, you will be very glad you didn't wait another day.

If it's nothing - you can move on and enjoy life as a new mom, knowing you take care of yourself and that makes you a better mom every day!

i dont know for sure what it is, so i dont want to give you any wrong information
please see a doctor, because it might be the early signs of breast cancer

you need to go get it checked out and get a mamogram..

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