What could be wrong with my back?!

Ok, I have major problems with my back, hips, and shoulder. My hips are messed up from the birth of my daugter, I had a bulging disc in my lower back, and now I am waiting to see a specialist for my shoulder blade that sticks out in the back (really bad) whenever I pick up my arm, and it is painful. It is like it is out of place, and makes everyone discusted by looking at it. Well now, I have this huge lump that is very painful on the back of my neck, over my spine. It feels like it is my vertabre (however you spell it) that is swollen. It came out of no where tonight. I am just wondering if it is possible that all of it is connected, and what it could be. Do I have some sort of disease that causes my back and everything directly attached to it to just fall apart. I don't see the specialist until next week and can't get in any sooner. What am I supposed to do?
Go to the doctor. Your back and neck are too important to neglect. That's where all your nerves originate. You may have a slipped disk in your neck, and that could pinch a nerve. Don't bother with chiropractors. My friend's mother had back pain for a year, and she kept going to the chiropractor. When she finally went to a doctor, she found out that she had spinal cancer.

Other Answers:
if it was me i would go to the docter.. what if it is a bulging blood vein? what if it is a tumer? go to emergecy
what if you are contipated??
please go to the docter NOW.

Have you ever been checked for rheumatoid arthritis? I would looked into this ASAP

I've had great success with chiropractors. They will take a complete medical history, take some x-rays, and let you know what they think. The difference between a chiropractor and an orthopedist is that chiropractors do not treat with drugs or surgery; instead, they do "adjustments," whereby they gently manipulate your spine to try to get it back in alignment. Some other md's will have you go through a series of tests, including CT scans, MRI's, x-rays; then give you pain pills, antinflamatories, and muscle relaxers; then send you to physical therapy. A chiropractor may require that you visit him/her 4 times a week for 2 weeks, then 3 times for 2 weeks, and so on. The chiropractor is more likely to get to the root of the problem and fix it, rather then put bandaids on it. Check with your insurance, though - most don't pay as much for chiropractors.

My dear, you sound in bad shape. I highly suggest that before you see a doctor that will prescribe drugs that probably wont do you any good, please, please please, go to a chiropractor first, at least go to a consultation, they often are free. They will take xrays and show you what is wrong and explain what is happening, how they can help, how long it will take, etc. And no drugs, and it really works. Seriously, consult with a chiropractor, you will be glad you did. Hope you feel better soon!

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