If you had to be quarantined in your home for a month without electricity, how w!


read and do crossword puzzles by candlelight, thats how we survived the blackout a few years ago in Canada and the eastern seaboard, plus there is so many things that are battery powered.

Other Answers:
Luckily, gameboys have batteries. Actually, I would go insane.

Read during daylight sew at night.

Build a generator.

Am I alone? If not Id have lots of sex,well guess i could do that alone too..And read.smoke ALOT.thats about all i need ..

Read my Bible.

Write a book about the experience.

They would be pulling in front of my home with the nice clean men in there clean white coats and they will give me that nice jacket that buttons up the back..OK you get the idea..

Lots of candles, books, batteries, and a lot of quality, uninterrupted time with my husband and children.

Read, paint, write, develope a hobby that doesnt need electricity to do, like build models, or sew, or reload ammo, or invent recipes for cooking meals over a fire instead of a stove.

give me a keg, a pack of cards, and some magizines

well.my laptop battery goes for 18 hrs so ill stay sane for about 2 days. then i guess ill read. maybe clean up and sort out.throw all the old stuff out, organize etc. eat.a lot! talk on the phone.till the battery dies :(( and then.after about 4 days of doing the above.ill lose my mind.completely!

read, write, umm that's about it

Lots of ways. Use a real deck of cards to play solitaire, or other card games, use real board games to entertain myself, read books during the day or by oil lamp. No big deal to use an outside bathroom. When I was a kid all we had was an outhouse (not an inside bathroom) and lots of time our electricity went out and we used oil lamps (we lived in the country and had REA for our electricity). Write letters by hand on real paper to send to friends through the post office. No biggy!

Books (flashlights have batteries)

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