How do i significantly cut calories while still staying fueled for difficult wor!

Yes, I'm another person looking to drop a few pounds. For the vain reason that I am going to hawaii in a month, and for the slightly less vain reason that I when I was 10 pounds lighter my 10K time was 10 minutes faster.

I am currently training for a triathlon and working out 5-7 times a week. But, I swear, for every calorie I burn I just eat more. Exercising makes me so fricking hungry!

So, how do I cut calories without affecting my training. I don't want to bonk.

so, aside from the obvious ( cutting out sweets, fried foods, alcohol, and high fat dairy)
any ideas on what my diet should look like? basically I am looking for some.. highly nutrituous, satisfying meals that, while lower in overall calories, will still keep me fueled for training.
Calories ARE fuel. You cannot greatly reduce caloric load without starving yuor body of the fuel it needs.

If you are buring calories like a horse, you should be eating like a horse. Food choice, however, will be key.

Aim for a well-balanced diet with appropriate levels of all kinds of foods but avoid things that don't provide healthy fuel, like
- pop and sugary drinks
- processed foods, including most packaged snacks
- overly-cooked foods, foods in rich sauces, 'heavy' foods

You can consider the 'caveman diet'- lean red meat, fresh or lightly cooked/roasted veggies, fruits, and other stuff as fresh or lightly cooked as possible with milk or water to drink.

You can also try changing your eating times- big meal in the AM, middle meal at lunch, small meal at dinner, and a couple hefty snacks in between.

Other Answers:
Same problem here so look what answers you get and im not even training for tri or any other events so best of luck i know its exhausting no energy weak/weakness try to loose weight not eat too much and have energy quite a balance im yet to find too.
personal experience

While working out you need the calories.without them you'll pass me I've tried it. but what you eat makes all the difference. eat balanced meals..make sure you are drinking LOTS OF WATER.water is the best, try to avoid juices and sodas. eat lots of veggies to fill you up, and eat lean meats like chicken and fish. Try to put most of your calories in before about 6pm.most metobolic systems start to shut down after that time. and although some may be against this.reward yourself with a small treat every other day.its a psychological thing!! :) any questions let me know.I have tons of books on good diet plans too.

cut out as many carbs as possible, but eat a half cup of noodles before training. this will give you more than enough energy for your workouts, and it won't turn to fat like when you don't workout directly afterwards.

and eat lots of fruit, it detoxifies your body which can cause less energy also.

i eat mostly fruit and veggies on my current training and i am shedding good pounds very consistently

check out this site:
it is AWESOME and free.
It gives you an idea for how many calories you should intake
1) it has an awesome database to track calories
2) awesome message board to talk to people and staff
3) it has a database of activities
4) weight log
and soo much more. I've lost 30 pounds with its help since January.

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