What is the best method to regulate my sleep cycle?!

I have been struggling with chronic insomnia for years and I have come to a point where I fall asleep when the sun rises and wake up when it sets
You need to develop an understanding of why you suffer from insomnia. One of the best things to do is understand what professionals refer to as sleep hygiene. I've posted a helpful webpage below. If implementing these tips don't work and you continue to have difficulty sleeping you might want to consult an M.D. or Ph.D. who specializes in sleep disorders. They can conduct a sleep study to help determine why you struggle with sleeping.

Other Answers:
Melatonin 3. You can buy it at a GNC store. I had the same problem before and this stuff is great.

Did you talk to your doctor about this? have him refer you to a sleep specialist, it's better if he refer to you one, than you go find one yourself.

best way i think would be to make sure you go to bed at the same time each night. engage in relaxing activities within an hour of this time. some people say warm milk, some people say a good book - you know what gets you really relaxed. why not get your guy to give you a back rub after a lovely warm bath, that would help im sure. good luck!

I used to have that problem too. A few things I have learned. Dont drink any caffine after 2:00PM in the afternoon, dont eat any later than 7:00 PM on any given night. I am very light sensative so I got a sleep mask to block out any light as well as some white noise to drown out any outside sounds.

It is important to try and unwind before going to sleep. If you are like me and the wheels just start turning and you cant seem to make them stop try meditation it helps to train your thoughts and focus your energy so when you should be sleeping you will be able to.

Also speek to your doctor they might want to conduct a sleep study to see if there is any medical reason for why you arent able to sleep, or might prescribe a mild setative for helping you sleep.

I don't know exactly what you do for work.but, maybe get a job where you have to be there early in the morning at 5 a.m. everyday. Then maybe you'll be able to fall asleep when you're supposed to.

-don't take naps
-work hard
-work out
-keep your mind busy
-manage your stresses
-distract yourself from mentally ruminating (especially at bedtime)
Psychology Today has an article written by Ellen Mcgrath called "The Rumination Rut".

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