I need to lose 10KG, what is the best & safest way to lose that Wight. thanks!


Join weight watchers, it worked for me! I lost more than that, and I have not gained any of it back.

Other Answers:
Healthy diet, cardio, and weight training. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn during the day.

Losing weight is easy - Just don't eat so much!

Evenly and slowly. Quick weightloss only results in other parts of you body suffering from the rapid change. And also, when you ease the weight off, you adapt to a routine that you are more likely to enjoy and continue. You figure is 65% what you eat and 35% how you excercise. First thing is first. Eat healthy, wholesome foods. Work up to a dedicated 3X/wk. excercise routine for maybe 30 mins. to an hour (gradual is key). Most importantly, back up this physical drive with a strong mental drive. You have to want to do this and you have to believe that you can and you will. Remember, the mind and body work in perfect unison, for good or bad, that's up to you. Food information on any food items period, check www.nutritiondata.com Hope this helps and best of luck! You can totally do it.

1) Cut out all sweets and deserts.
2) Cut out potato, white rice, and bread.
3) Eat smaller portions.
4) Drink a tall glass of water two hours before lunch and dinner.
5) Drink water instead of soda.
6) When you're tempted to snack drink a glass of water.

,,,,,,,,,, WALK AROUND THE BLOCK AFTER MEALS. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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