do you thin it is possible to lose 15 poudns in one week if i do 6 hours of card!

and am eating a diet of 250 calories a day. I know this is stupid i knwo its very unhelthy but for personal reasons i kinda have to do this.i was just wondering if ut hink it is physically possible
No, it is not possible. Your body will go into starvation mode and start hoarding fat and you will burn your muscles to use for energy. You might lose a few pounds, but you'll be too tired to finish your cardio and your muscle tone will be gone. You will get bloated from malnutrition and screw up your digestive tract and make it harder to lose weight.

Other Answers:
omfg u need to eat more! and doing 6 hours of JUST cardio a day is wrong.. duh it's physically impossible!

your body will go into shock and you will get sick

nope. and your right it is stupid. you will end up in the hospital. your body is not use to what you are going to do it..

look u may look better , but u will cause many problems of this sudden diet change i.e loosing hair, skin spots, beside no energy at all. think again

It's not physically possible. More than likely you will over-exert yourself and not be able to function: you will sleep excessively (as you're not taking in enough energy) and you won't have the energy required to exercise at a challenging level. Furthermore, you could pass out. If you decide to do this, you definitely should not drive a motor vehicle.

you may do. more likely to collapse

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OMG! Sorry to tell you this honey, but you are anorexic. This is very serious and should be delt with imediatly.If you keep this up you are going to end up in the hospital. Dont let that happen.

Losing 15 pounds in one week would be near impossible but more probable cause severe health problems. Weight loss, over a longer period of time, combined with proper diet, will be most beneficail in the long run.
My own experience

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you can cause lasting ill effects this way. Don't cut your calories so much because it will actually have the opposite effect of your body thinking you are starving and conserving your fat resources.

Nothing is worth putting yoruself through this, and anyone or anything that requires you to lose 15 pounds that fast is not worth it. Believe me, your real friends will not care.

Also, you should have started a month ago.

Whether you know it or not, you are writing yourself a one way ticket to the ER. You are going to make yourself so weak and so sick it is not even funny and it is very hard on your heart.

It's not worth it, trust me.

After all of that monkey business that you are doing, you are only going to end up gaining that weight back.
Chances are very good you are not going to acheive your goal of losing 15 pounds. You are starving yourself, that sometimes puts the body in shock, it builds up its defenses and you sometimes either don't lose weight or you start to put on weight because your body is defending itself by storing fat.
It's not worth it, BUT to each his own .

It is very unhealthy to lose weight so quickly. Its better to just lose 2 pounds a week. If you lose fat really fast, your skin will wrinkle and sag like a very old person. Eat a well balanced diet and exercise, but dont over do it. As for the amount of calories you been eating, eat more. You DONT have to starve yourself. Believe it or not, you have to eat to lose weight. If you have anorexia, get help fast! This sounds pretty serious. Good Luck for life long health.
Health class, family, friends

No you are hurting yourself. If you must lose weight go see a doctor before starting any diet. Losing weight is hard. You have to consider your age, and height. If you've started this crazy regime stop! If you haven't don't start! Go see the doctor and follow his advice.

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