Why are my eyelashes falling out in clumps? Will they grow back?Any products tha!


I had this problem for awhile, and it was because I was a bad girl. I wear waterproof mascara and I don't wash it off nightly.so eventually my eyelashes fell out and I had to use false eyelashes for awhile until they grew back in. Yes they will grow back, however it depends on how fast your hair grows. It could be awhile.
However if you do not wear water proof mascara you need to seek medical advice.

Other Answers:
you have the mange!!

Jeez, how do eyelashes fall out in CLUMPS??! Are you a gorilla or something??

Go to the doctor right away.

Could be something bad ..

See your doc ASAP!

if u r using waterproof mascara and not taking off at night and not putting moistureizer on em this happens.somtimes w/ regular mascara
professional sister

You might have mites or other bugs living in your eyelashes.

Probably your mascara. Waterproof did it to me. It takes a long time for them to grow back. Months.

If you are allergic to mascara it can happen. Also you should get checked out for thyroid problems because that is a symptom, that's my first symptom, eyelashes, then it went to eyebrows and I thought I looked like a freak! I tested positive for hypothyroidism and am on meds now, my eyebrows came back beautiful but my eyelashes are still pretty sparse, it takes months for them to grow back.

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