what is the best home remedy for a sun burn for a fair skinned person?!


Aloe Vera plant. Cut an Aloe Vera leaf in pieces, and rub the juices on your sunburn.

Other Answers:
Aloe vera

take a lot of water and refrain from taking diuretics or liquids that help remove water from thebody like caffein laden drinks- soda and coffee. you can also put cold cucumber slices on the affected areas and/or rub fresh aloe vera.


But before you apply the aloe try this.

Get a BIG BIG Bottle of white Vinegar. Step into the bath tub and pour it over you. It will take some of the fever out. Then put the aloe on.
Very Irish background. Very pale naturally. Been burned Very badly by Sun and Tanning beds.


Aloe Vera and Noxzema.

aloe vera, after u have put on the aloe vera but some cocoa butter or coconut butter over it.
try to get all these products in a natural state (ie organic brands) b/c the chemicals in commercial brands may make yr sunburned skin worse.

yogurt can also be a good remedy for sun burn, just put it on the skin and leave it for a few minutes and then wash it off

there is a smelly spray called foil, I don't know if that's how its spelled, but it comes in a yellow can. it smells like the anteseptic they use at the hospital. But it takes the sting right away, i'll google the net to see if i can't find a link for you.

I looked and can't seem to find it but here's a similar product.

use yogurt!just put some yogurt on the burned skin, wait about 20 minutes and then take a warm(not hot, not cold) shower!i tried it too and its a strainge sensation, but it works!if u feel bad and your head hurts too, you should take an aspirine!
my mother

A lukewarm bath first. Banana boat makes a great aloe vera gel that you can get in a lotion type form. Also, they put the aloe vera and Vitamin E in an after-sun lotion. The first day you need to put aloe vera on it. The second day, if it looks better, put the lotion on. The skin will peel, and then try to remember to apply sunscreen every 45 minutes.

bath in tea it sounds wak bt i soothes the skin

Noxzema or aloe vera or Aveeno Oatmeal Bath (luke warm of course)

aloe vera!

Vinegar and Water Remedy for Scorched Skin
2Tablespoon vinegar
1Cup water

1. Mix both together in a bowl.
2. Soak a washcloth in this mixture.
3. Gently pat on the scorched areas.
Milk and Soda Remedy for Scorched Skin

1/2Cup whole milk
1Tablespoon baking soda

1. Mix both together in a bowl.
2. Soak a washcloth in this mixture.
3. Gently pat this mixture on the scorched area of your body.
also you can mix corn starch with cold water till you get a creamy mix apply to the sunburned area, leave till it dries, then have a cold shower.
experience, I never tan, just get burned.

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