Has anyone had lice?!


not me, but some of my sibblings have.

Other Answers:
My sister has


Eww no. You have to be really nasty a not wash your head to get lice. Why do you?

as a child yes, lots. you'll need RID to get rid of it all. you can find it at any drugstore or walmart. make sure to also fine comb the hair to get all the nits out. and wash EVERYTHING in hot water, you'd be surprised at how fast they'll come back if you don't.

but i smashed my dick with a hammer! :) lol jk

My kids used to get them all the time at school.

once, a long time ago.
but really, it mostly happens because lice can pass through the air, and it usually isn't because of your personal hygiene, but simply germs going through the world.
dont get alarmed though (germaphobia.=)

They got my whole family when I went to Texas. You can do any treatments you want, but ultimately to make them go away, you have to get a good lice (nit) comb and systematically comb every strand of hair from the roots to remove every single nit (egg), or something will survive the poisons and whatever else you use. If you don't want to use poison, coat your head with mayonnaise, put on a shower cap, and wait several hours for the lice to smother. It is uncomfortable and it takes forever to get the mayo out of your head.

No, lice don't pass through the air as in the last post. They can only crawl, so you get them from bedding, hats, brushes, or anything that they can crawl from a head onto, then onto another head.

Make sure you disinfect all your brushes and combs (boil or alcohol, or throw away), and wash all bedding in hot water. Vacume sofas and chairs. I would put a flea collar in the vacume cleaner bag.

I got it while babysitting a younger child. There can be epidemics in schools. The one method that I found works, immediately, without having to repeat it is to dab tea-tree oil on the scalp (or on the body). It should be a 50/50 water/oil mix so as not to burn the skin. It really works!

yes i had when i was only 6yrs old n i remem my parents washing me excessively with various shampoos n brushes to get rid of them once n for all, which i am so thankful, i didnt have it since! knock on wood!!

Yes, I have had it four times. The first time was one month after getting my first job in daycare. It was an absolute nightmare. It is very very important not to pull at your hair with the thin comb that they sell at the pharmacy. I know it is important to get the eggs out but once you have treated your hair with the medicated shampoo the eggs are killed. I had lice for the first time in 1992. I now have bald spots where I used the comb. Be extremely careful especially if you have medium to fine hair. If you are around anyone that has lice wear a hat or tie long hair into a bun. Good luck!

yes, cause my friend has them, whenever she spends the night, she always have those one million lice in her hair, but I don't have them anymore!

no , but the kids have . Use MAYONAISE on your head It`s safe er on your scalp than chemicals & smothers the buggers:)

i did. get rid of them by using a sledgehammer.

I did in second grade. My little sister kept going to sleepovers and bringing it back home to me.

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