does anyone hate smoking as much as i do?!

i dipise smoking!i can't stand it!the only close person in my family that smoked is my uncle.i hate it and he won't stop!whenever i see someone smoking it drives me crazy.and some of my friends somke and i fin dit digusting!
Nope, I love it!! Not only do I personally enjoy it more than anythigng I do, I think women that do it are HOTT!! It is very sexy to watch a woman it is VERY pleasurable to do!

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yes im here it make me want to choke that person!!

Yes I do

get a grip sumthang you cant control friend so stop sweating it

your not the only one, I work in a bar and although people are not allowed to smoke at the serving bar, they still do and I am sick of my clothes smelling of smoke.

no. Actually, I like the smell of smoke in small quantities. Took me years to quit smoking but I still like the smell.

Don't be so harsh on the ones who do smoke. It's a nasty habit and, trust me, very hard to break.

I find that Oust gets rid of most of the smoke smell.

I also hate it. But when you see people smoking, just ignore it or walk away. Avoid going places where there are people smoking. Just remember, you have something to look forward to, because in another 5 years, every country will ban smoking indoors. Then us non-smokers can enjoy a nice meal or a drink without smelling like a dirty ashtray

move to Toronto there is a smoking ban in all bars and restaurants. How nice is that going home and not smelling like a butt.

Yes lucky in N.Y. they band smoking in restaurants so I can eat without smelling that crap and leave without smelling like a toilet.

ya iam ther with you

To each his own

it's a discusting habit

I am with you !

Yes, I do. I have asthama and it makes me angry when people smoke around me, espically my so called friends.

Yes! i SO hate smoking. i dun find any purpose to smoke! Its totally bad for your health and wealth!

yes.. and sometimes is hard to seperate the smoker from the smoking. Also, look to yourself to see if you have any bad habbits.
If one does not like something, look to oneself. The easiest thing to change is our mind.

yeah i do.i cant take it i have an elergy to smoke.
i dont understand why ppl do smoke.. its a life hazard and they know it still cant resist

Does anyone think people who eat or drink too much or don't exercise as much as they should need to stfu about me smoking

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