how to figure out that you are depressed?!


There are many symptoms. tired all the time, unmotivated, you don't like to do anything you used to love. IE sex, outdor activities exc..You tend to sleep ALLOT..

Other Answers:
you loose intrest in the simple everyday things in life ,your personal hygiene drops ,neglect hair makeup etc.sleep badly,or to much.Tears are never far away

You are more frequently unhappy and you do not have the desire to do anything.

Mood swings, when precipitated by particular events in one's life, are a normal response to the stresses, happy times, and difficulties we all experience. Many people feel low after being turned down for a date, having trouble on a test, or arguing with a loved one. It's not fair to expect yourself (or anyone else, for that matter) to be feeling excited and at ease all the time. However, if your changes in mood don't seem to be connected to actual life events, are out of proportion, or significantly impair your ability to function, you may be experiencing a diagnosable level of depression.

Clinically diagnosable depressions vary in terms of severity and symptoms. The two main aspects of a Major Depression include:

continual feelings of sadness and emptiness
loss of interest or pleasure in activities that used to be enjoyable, including sex
Other symptoms to look for are:

decreased energy, fatigue, and feeling slowed down
difficulty concentrating or making decisions
sleep problems (i.e., insomnia, oversleeping)
eating problems (i.e., disinterest in food, weight loss, and/or overeating)
irritability, excessive anger, or frustration
feelings of irrational guilt and worthlessness
excessive crying
chronic physical aches and pains that don't respond to treatment
feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts
In order for your troubling feelings to be considered a Major Depression, many of the above symptoms must be noted for most of the day, almost every day, and for at least two weeks.

If you've noticed only a few of these symptoms, but they've lasted for two weeks or more, you may still have a lesser persistent and apparent form of depression, such as:

recurrent depressive syndrome
subthreshold symptomatic disorder
Depression exists on a wide continuum. There is no way to pinpoint exactly how depressed a person is. The important thing is that if your mood is affecting or disrupting your way of life or your interaction with family and friends, seeing a mental health professional is a smart way to figure out what is going on. Only this clinician can properly determine the best course of action for you.

there is so much in depression, not all people do..there are a bunch of different symptoms.
Here are a few

wanting to sleep all the time

good mood dosent strike often

wanting to be alone

thoughts of suicide

crying for no reason

sad most of the time

Try the links below. Also verify there is not an underlying medical condition such as hypothryroidism.

If you are thinking about it chances are you are depressed

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