Question for Doctors only-What would you say of these symptoms?!

1.Pressure throught out the bridge of my nose and forehead.And feeling being "Out of it,or out of mental focus" all the time.
2.Headaches behind my right eye which makes my right eye water.
3.Blood in the mucus when I blow my nose every morning.
4.Cognitive recognition issues that are quickly getting worse.
5.Seriously bad short term memory loss-I.E Forgeting an answer and asking the same question 3 times over and hour period.
6.Inabilty to have a full yawn and watery eyes when I do yawn.
7.Major issues with ear infections and popping in my right ear.
8.Disorentation and small transparent whites shapes that seem to float in the air.
9.Complete chaos with my equalibrium and vertigo when I lean down and get up.
10.Drooping of my right eye which I noticed alot in photos and a feeling of almost "Retardation" for minutes at a time.This is where I can't even keep track of more than one thing at a time and I feel like my cognition and battery motor skills are severly effected.
I would say that you are probably looking for a unifying diagnosis (one thing to explain it all). There may be a few different things or just one. In most patients with this many complaints and feeling out of it, it is somatization or hypervigilance to your body. This is usually related to stress and anxiety.
However, You would need to have an evaluation to exclude an organic cause.Could do a CT of brain to start.your symptoms encompass a great deal of brain territory and I would expect that any mass would be identified with this.If negative I would wait this out a bit.If it persists or shows concern.MRI

Other Answers:
I am not a dr. but I am a mother of 5. Your symptoms sound like you'd benefit from an ear, nose and throat specialist. It can be either allergies or perhaps polyps in your sinuses. Go to the dr.

Well allot of those symptoms sound like allergies but u need to go in a get checked out because it could also be something very serous. I'm no Doctor and i know u asked for one to answer Ur question but i just thought i would give u my opinion.

Sorry, I am not a Dr. but know quite a bit about the medical field. At first, I was going to say severe sinus infections, then, thought Lyme disease, then thought mini stroke! Quite an unusual amount of symptoms. I suggest visiting Web.MD as this is an excellent web site for just about anything. Good Luck! Let me know how everything turns out.
self-educated. You really need to see a specialist.

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