my tonsills are extremely swollen i can barely drink and its hard too breath i!

it hurts really bad i have had this for a few days and i need some help PLEASE
Go to the ER or Nearest Immediate Care Clinic. Chances are you have strep or tonsilitis but throat swelling can be an allergic reaction to something you ate or took. If that is the case you will need to go to the ER.

Other Answers:
Go to the nearest ER. You may have to have your tonsils removed.
Common sense

Tonsilitus. dont worry it shuld go down in a day or so.. drink really cool fluid and only eat soup as i know its hard. white thing on your throat is like flem.. dnt worry to much.. just relax


see a doctor, he will most probably antibiotics to clear the infection.

Go to the doctor immediately. You might need surgery.

If this were just swollen, painful tonsils with white specks I'd suggest seeing your doctor, but you mentioned it being hard to breathe. ANYTHING that makes it hard for a person to breathe is worth going to the ER for! You need help and you need it soon. If your airsupply is effected in any way it can be lifethreatening, because the moment that your tonsils swell up even more, your entire airsupply could be cut off all together.
You probably just have an infection that could easily be taken care of with antibiotics or the removal of your tonsils, but that comes second place to your ability to breathe normally, so get to a doctor as soon as possible and they can deal with what is most important first.
Good luck! (And like that other person said. you shouldn't be playing golf when tired. ;)
Personal opinion/advice, asthmatic (I know what it's like not to be able to breathe at all, so I encourage you to AVOID IT!)

Consult your doctor urgently.It is usually said that tonsils come in their normal size as one grows bigger. So, it depends on your age.But if you are saying that you can't drink properly & you are facing pain, then you should urgently consult your doctor.Don't be late & don't worry! It is normal now-a-days.Your doctor will tell you how these can be removed either by some medicine or by a minor operation.
Don't Worry,everything will be fine InshAllah.
My mind Alhamdollilah!!

Go to your nearest emergency room now, it is free if you have no money. You have a severe throat infection and your throat is closing up! That white ball you mentioned, is puss!! A severe infection like that can go into your heart, and people can die from it. I know what I am talking about, I just went through that. They kept me all night, pumped me with strong antibiotics through an IV, then slit my throat from the inside with a scalpel to let the puss run out, then they put a tube back there that (sucked) the stuff out; all of this without knocking me out!! Boy did I scream when they slit it! They said it usually won't clear up on it's own, you need to be put on antibiotics now! GO!!

I was constantly in the doctor's for my tonsils. I had strep throat at least 4 or 5 times a year. After years of this I finally ended up in the hospital for a few days after developing sacs of puss called abscesses. To get rid of them they have to go in there with a needle a syringe and drain it. It was NASTY. A month later I got them removed. I haven't had any problems since. I would definitely go to your doctor and at least have him/her look at them. He/she can recommend you to an ENT (ear, nose and throat specialist). It sounds like you have tonsillitis with abscesses. Definitely go to the doctor or ER ASAP. Good luck.
Personal experience.

My daughter had the same, she couldn't eat for a week, her GP put her on anti-biotics. I was worried about her throat closing over because her tonsils were nearly touching. Her GP said they would not grow to large to stop her breathing. But you do need see a GP as soon as possible to start getting better.

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