The fastest way to bench press twice my weight?!

I weigh 132 lbs. I am 15 years old. I can currently rep 3x10 135 lbs. Whats the fastest way to get to max 270 lbs?
Do it in space

Other Answers:
lose about half of your weight and 135 pound benchpress will be twice your weight.

Become an ant. They can lift 10 times their body weight.

Turn down the gravity a little.

Here's a five week program that added fifty pounds to my bench max in 5 weeks, thats 10 pounds a week increase.

Go two days a week for each week.EX: every monday and thursday

Week#1- 5 sets of 5 reps, use max weight. you shouldn't be able to do more then 5 reps w/ the weight you select. EX: I used 205 lbs

Week #2- do 5 sets of 4 reps, using 10 pounds more then in week 1. EX: i used 205 in week 1 so i went up to 215 for week 2.

Week #3- do 5 sets of 3 reps, again going 10 pounds heavier then in week 2. Ex: i used 225 lbs this week.

Week #4- Do 5 sets of 2 reps, using 10 more pounds then previous week. for me that was 235 lbs.

Week #5- max out. You should have added ATLEAST 30 LBS to your max if you follow it to a tee.

My results: bench max before = 225lbs
Bench max after= 275 lbs

I just started the training cycle again last week and expect max to be over 315 lbs when finished, thats another 40 lbs increase. Totalling a 90 lbs increase in just over 8 weeks.

Hope that helps!


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