so about being depressed and stuff I need some help?!

Okay I know I am depressed and stuff and I dont know how to ask for the what ever. I mean I dont even know what I am suposed to ask for because in the past when I would get one I would lie on it so I didnt feel like a freak. I mean no one in my family is like me.. I guess I am asking what do I do?
i think u need 2 get more involved in life. take up a hobby(one that involves other people), tell ur friends and family so that they can support u through this confusing and difficult time and so that they can intervene everytime u feel a little down. u'r not alone in this world, u need 2 tell urself this everytime u start 2 feel desperate. no situation is hopeless. there are lots of people going throgh depression, so maybe u could find a support group if u dont have an understanding family. but in most cases, we tend 2 believe that our families will laugh at us or will think that we are freaks but they turn 2 be really undersatnading and caring. best of luck!
ps if u need a friend, mail me at i'll be happy 2 help.

Other Answers:
you need to see a doctor, the doctor can diagnose it and refer you to see a therapist or get you on medication depending on what you are dealing with. But whatever you do do not ignore it.

first of all be honest with yourself. do research online for simple ways of treating depression.(try to get outside for physical activity, healthy sleeping patterns etc.)
I would not reccommend medication it is just a bandaide for a much bigger problem, maybe counceling for childhood issues? good luck, and you can always look to god and ask him what he would have you do at any time. he's always there.

I think you should like get real depressed and go see a doctor and stuff because I mean you're like freakin me out and whatever I guess.

Depression runs in my family I'm the only one who has ever taken medication for it. I know it has helped I just don't know how to repair all the damage I have done over the years. Please get help because it never goes away with out it.

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