how can i pick my nose in school without getting caught?!


just don't do it..

Other Answers:
Charming question. Try going to the restroom.

do it in a bathroom stall

grow up

It's all about diversion. Try waving your left hand really high and picking your nose secretly with your right hand.

get a hanky

Good God!! you nasty little..! get a kleenex, and yeah, go to the bathroom!

Just dig right in, no point in trying to hide it. Digging for gold is fun. going to the bathroom?Send me a postcard when you're reached the top?

This is such a stupied ?

Put your finger up the nose and be proud. if that is your only concern what are you worried about what others think.

Drill and enjoy, maybe you start a new fashion trend. Fact is that all those folks barking at you have their finger up their nose all the time..

picking is healthy it gets rid of old dried up snot and will increase the effectiveness of your immune system.

okay, i can't back that up, but it IS really fun so be proud and pick it! Heck, why stop there? Eat it too! Or roll it up into little balls and flick them at people!!

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