how can i grow nails fast?!


you cannot increase the speed to grow nails. but eat plenty of fruits and vegies.

Other Answers:
Healthy and long nails come from healthy balanced eating and treating your body well. Your nails act to it and grow, and so do your hair length.

But if you want to keep your nails long you would have to treat them 100% well by going to a manicurist every 4 - 6 weeks, and getting the right therapy to your nails.

your cuticle and the skin round are the most common places to treat, and if you do it by your own.. you're only hurting yourself. Let them by treated by a professional.

I do the same thing (Almost in the mid progress) and there's huge difference to where I had weak nails to the strongest I have now.

By all comes well, the main of my answer is that you only should have a balanced healthy eating which is the only major thing that makes your nails grow longer.


to get healthy long nails fast drink lots of milk, but dont have a 'milk overdose' just to get those nails gurl b patient!lololol

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