is it POSSIBLE..??!

Is it possible to get a 6 pack without changing my diet but still doing exercise and lots of weighted abdominal workouts?
Ps. I dont eat much sweet stuff, i dont drink soft drinks or eat much fatty stuff BUT i do eat alot.
Just get a pic of a 6 or 8 pack, tape it to your stomach, and don't let the females get too close!

Other Answers:
yes of course. Muscle is built by working out . I think diet helps to lose weight and not so much to define muscle.

yes its possible.


You are what you eat. Unless you stick to a healthy diet you will hinder your progress towards that coveted six pack..

Just be sure to stay away from sweets and soda at all costs, in fact you shouldn't consume any if you wish to get a 6 pack to maintain it's shape. You have to be very aware of what you eat, be sure to get lots of Protien and excerise often.

You can workout all you want. But unless the fat covering your muscles is burned you will not see a six pack. What you are doing will get you built not ripped.

in order to get that "6" pack look you need to burn the fat off youre stomach the only way to burn fat is to use more calories then you take in i would normally tell you to cut carbs but you dont want to change youre diet. so the other choice cardieo 30 min+ and you will start to see some thing

you will need to drop your body fat below 10% to see an outline to get really ripped you need to change youre diet and drop nito the single digets 7% or less

it is very much possible all you need is more determination and control of yourself. exercise can make it possible, just continue to your workout. it may be tiring but results only comes later so keep up.

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