Bipolar w/ panic/anxiety attacks?!

Hi, how many of you out there are Bipolar and have severe panic and anxiety attacks and cope without medication? I am bipolar and suffer from serious panic/anxiety disorder but can't stay on the meds. Too expenisve! I am a mom of 3 lil ones and a script for $300 a month is just not in the plan!! Any of you cope with out meds? there are times I try. All i hear from everyone is " its all in your head" and so I try to focus and deal and calm myself and there are times I jsut feel so out of control and lost and scared and just basically in adownward spiral.
First and foremost pray and then start looking for information to help you with anxiety attacks because the Bible says Seek and you WILL (not may) find .Believe me, having been through anxiety attacks I know how motivated you are to get help. I believe you will get help and I am on your side in the battle.

It is very important to do this with the guidance of a trained Psychologist or Psychiatrist but there are ways to cope with this problem without medication in many instances.

Often panic attacks are the result of some kind of psychological trauma. In my case I almost died from a heart problem. Most of my life I have not had them but when I did they were doozies. You must guard against incompetent Medical people. In my case the Dr. prescribed enough of a drug in the same class as Valium (can't remember the name now) to sedate a horse. These drugs do not address the underlying problem although in some severe cases may be necessary. The benzodiazapenes such as Valium and Xanax are addictive. The only drug I take now is a drug that regulates the heartbeat.

Be particularly careful about the Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors such as Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil. Again in extreme cases they may be necessary and regardless always go with a Doctor's advice(just make sure they are competent). What I am stating is my own opinion derived from personal experience but it is well founded since I am well now and was at one point a basket case. I had a very bad experience with Zoloft, promptly quit and don't need it.

Heres what I found:

Don't laugh, but many times anxiety attacks are caused by hyperventilating. When you hyperventilate you are actually changing the chemical composition of the blood. It is a vicious spiral because the more you get anxious the more you hyperventilate which makes you more anxious ad infinitum. I am not talking about conciously hyperventilating but rather hyperventilation you are not necessarily aware of, basically improper and shallow breathing. A good site that explains it is

Sometimes if you will slow the rate at which you breathe and breathe from your diaphragm, you can mitigate your anxiety. Babies breathe from their bellies, adults and sometimes even children breathe in a shallow manner not extending their bellies out as they take in a breath. Due to the excessive levels of stress all around us we become desensitized and don't even realize how much we have been affected. I remember going out into the country and for awhile the extreme quiet got on my nerves until I got used to it and then what an incredible good feeling came over me.

There is another technique for dealing with the acute portions of an anxiety attack. There is a book by Dr. Claire Weekes called Hope and Help for your Nerves. She talks about the 4 stages (1 Facing 2)Accepting 3) Floating
4) Letting time pass . I highly recommend that you purchase her book . For me, the facing part is acknowledgeing that even though you feel as if you will die and it is extremely uncomfortable , you will not likely die. The accepting part is just acknowledging that since you will not likely die you can accept your condition. This becomes easier as the severity of the attacks begin to lessen. 3) Floating for me was a process of stepping outside of myself and observing objectively what was going on 4) Letting time pass is facilitated by realizing that the attack will diminish over time . This realization allows you to become occupied doing something else. I am by no means a trained Psychologist but the techniques worked for me and I am definitely well now and I think it is possible you will be too.

Oh and be sure to get a complete medical workup. Sometimes anxiety attacks are realted to a thyroid condition or mitral valve prolapse.

Other Answers:
im bipolar

just chill out and watch sum tv

I would seek help. I don't know you you can get out of this one without professional help.

I'm really sorry about that. But there may be ways to overcome it by urself. Just consider, however painful it may be, what may have been the cause of ur panic attacks. When people say that it's all in ur head, that is the case with some anxiety, but not all. Do some research on the allmighty internet and consider what u may do to cope wit ur symptoms. Keep ur head up and do stuff that's fun with ur kids. Luv 2 u and ur family!

I also have Bipolar with panic/anxiety disorder. I have tried to deal with it without medication but it doesn't work for me. I have financial difficulties getting my medicines as well. Sometimes the drug manufacturer can assist you in getting medication that you need. In my case, I pay nothing for my Zoloft and my Xanex is about $20 per month. Depending on what medications your Psychiatrist has you on or had you on, talk to your Doctor about getting some assistance. Please visit the links below to learn more:

Some of the techniques I have read in the other answers may help also. If you need more information please feel free to message me.

Good luck and God Bless! :)

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