mouth ulcers?!


You have a mouth ulcers? You eat and drink a lot.

Other Answers:

they can be caused by stress or poor oral hygiene,try gargling with salt water as this is an antiseptic,if they dont clear up seek advice from a doctor

Check with your doctor.mouth ulcers can be from a number of things..not to freak you out but that also includes STD's from oral sex..

Be careful of what you eat. I have found that foods / drinks such as gingerbread cookies, orange juice and chocolates can sometimes aggravate mine. When you get them, try to recall what you have eaten the past few days that may have caused them, especially something that you rarely or haven't eaten before.

if they look like blisters they can be canker sores ,their cause is unknown but they can often appear after dental treatment or when the body is under stress(,if you are run down), they usually go away in about a week

Ulcers or Canker sores? The best product I have found to prevent Cankers is a toothpaste by Rembrant. It is called Canker Sore Toothpaste. It has cut my mouth sores by at least 75%.

Can also be cause by allergies, medicines, sjorgren's syndrome..cancer

Keep your mouth clean and rinse out with salt water twice a day. Drink fresh water frequently

It is a form of Herpes. I wouldn't suggest any risky sexual behavior especially while these are open! That includes regular kissing. Some people have them form on the outside of the mouth, such as the lips, while others have them form on the inside. Spicy, and citrus foods and drinks would be wise to avoid during one of these flare ups. Stress and anxiety help to bring them on. They can be contagious, so avoid oral fluid transfers! There are several name brand and generic over the counter cremes and drops available. Good oral care such as iodized salt and warm water are good. Also avoid cigarettes, and "Chewbacca". Supposedly eating regular yogurt in your diet helps keep outbreaks infrequent.

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