Remedies for Muscles and Sore backs.?!

I just started a full-time job as an organic produce stocker in a store. I noticed immediately the toll the job has taken on my body(I'm a 27yr/f) because my back and arm muscles are constantly sore and my back aching. What are some tips/suggestions/remedies to alleviate sore muscles and backs and get my body used to this kind of physical stress?
Purchase a back brace, you can either wear them under or over your shirts, depending on how much you need the support. As for the ongoing pain, take some Tylenol or another OTC med and take a hot bath, the warm water helps muscles relax.

Also, what I discovered, stand up tall and straight, may think that it'll hurt worse, but it really doesn't. The more you slouch, the more pressure is put on your spine.

Other Answers:
If you are consistant in the work, it shouldn't hurt after a while, for now though, go get a massage or take a hot shower or bath.

ice is what works for me

Soak in a bath with Epsom salts and strengthen your stomach muscles.

use some Ben Gay or ICYHOT, and rest

Soak in a hot baths more often and treat yourself to massages.

hot shower or bath, advil liquid gels, work too

In the past I have had good results with Mineral Ice . However , my Aunt recently told me of a remedy that really seems to work . A small bottle of Castor Oil for under $2.00
Rub it on ; let it dry fully before covering it with clothing.Also ,I take Glucosamine -Chondroitin complex for knee pain . It also comes in a liquid rub . And as always -an ice pack for 10 minutes at a time ; and no ice directly on the skin . Only use 10 minutes at a time , so as not to cause nerve damage .I have best results with an ice-gel pak .
My Aunt Jackie in South Haven , MI.( castor oil ; and glucosamine rub ).The book "The Arthritis Cure" By Dr. George Theodasakis , Glucosamine-Chondroitin complex .The ice-info -per a physical therapist .

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