How can I focus better while studying?!

I can't concentrate or stay focused on my school work or in class and I was wondering how I can stay alert.
Have you seen a doctor to check if you might have ADD/ADHD ?


Don't focus on trying to stay focused! It keeps you from concentrating on the "other stuff." When you try hard to remember something real hard -- you can't remember it. When you stop trying to remember, the memory often pops into your mind.

Another example: if you try hard to fall asleep -- you often can't. When you quit trying hard and quit worrying about it - you often can fall asleep.

Other Answers:
In the school I work in we do something called brain gym. It has helped some of the kids stay on task longer. Some of the things they do are "unrolling" their ears; slowly, gently from top to bottom a few times. Hook ups, folding your hands together and tucking them "inside out" while crossing your legs and breathing in through your nose, out through your mouth with your tongue just behind your teeth. There are lots more to try but I don't have the book at home. You might be able to find something on the internet? Also, you need enough water, lots of water, good food, not junk food and plenty of sleep. sound corny? cliche? there's a reason everybody says these things.

sound like u're stress for some reason. find out why, relax urself with music in ur ear and focus on the school work. get some tutor helping u out, my health advince is dont drink soda of any kind(include diet soda) u could lose focus by drinking something like that.

soda are short-term energy, dont make excuse that they boast u up..

u can only stay alert by decide to stay alert. mind is power to everything.
I alway have ablity to have keen alert.

When you're at home, try listening to some soft music. This helps a lot of people (including myself), but try to gauge your reaction to it before doing it full-time.

Also, tailoring your study habits to your learning style will help. If you learn things best by hearing them, try reading things aloud. If you learn by doing, try making timelines or crafts (no matter how cheesy) that are related to the topic. If you just feel jittery, bounce your leg or tap your fingers to get rid of the energy.

Lastly, most people concentrate best in 15-20 minute spans. Try taking a 1-2 minute break every 20 minutes or so, and your brain will thank you. Good luck!

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