how do u get rid of a stomach ache?!


Peppermint tea can be found in any grocery store. It is my stomach ache cure. Also chamomile tea works well.

More tips from people:

Look into probiotics: the opposite of antibiotics.

Other Answers:
cut off a finger, you'll forget about it


I have always heard either peppermint swirl hard candies or peppermint tea and ginger ale ot tea.

Yeah, peppermint is one of my favorites for run-of-the-mill tummy aches.

ginger and garlic tea,it works.

Well, it depends on how you got it or what is causing it. There are SO many causes of stomach aches. It could be something serious so if it lasts for more than a couple days, you see blood in your spit or stool, it becomes excruciating, you are dizzy or vomiting a lot, or it is in the right hand lower corner of your abdomen, GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Otherwise, ginger tea is great for nausea, aloe vera, catsclaw and slippery elm (all herbs) are great for soothing the digestive tract. If you can target something you ate as the cause, well, stop eating it. It could be gas, so burp (try drinking warm ginger ale or seven up) Good luck.
I'm a chiropractor.

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