how can I can calculate the blood alcohol level based on weight and alcoholic dr!


Just buy a home breathlalyzer. They are cheap.

(trying to find the one we have.)
also check Ebay, you can find good deals on them there

What you are looking for, the way to calculate. Here's a link:

Other Answers:
i believe police officers carry little wheel cards that shows will show you b.a.c. after drinking a certain amount of drinks also looks at your weight with in an hour. or also sell actual testers. im not 100% sure about cops carrying the cards though, my two roommates are in training and i beleive they said most officers carry them.

Keep in mind that these calculations will only be estimates. There are individual factors that can alter how each person's body metabolizes alcohol, and therefore affect the BAC. For example, a person with liver or kidney failure will remove the alcohol from their system at a slower rate, and will likey have a higher BAC than a person with normal organ function.

you can't. It all depends on your body's ability to metabolize alchohol. A small person may be able to drink 3 - 4 drinks more than say, a 250 lb. man. Tolerance has a great deal to do with this.

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