Is there anyone know about how to flatten the big tummy.?!


ya get up early in the morning (fresh air is good for health)and do exercises or just go for a walk(a walk is the best exercise there is)
if u go an a diet as every body says will lead u to gas and stomach problems.
maintain an ideal diet (an ideal diet is one which contains a proper balace of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins)
include a lot of greens, cereal, pulses in ur diet
<the best way to loose fat and stay fit is to go vegetarian>
it is better u eat meat with less fat such as fish, prawns etc. than eating chicken and pork, which is fat laden
so take enough calories per day and make sure to burn up those calories(u do this by working or exercicing:dont exercise as soon as u hav eaten)
and sleep early..u burn calories even when u r sleeping so get a good night's sleep(dont sleep as soon as eating:it will make u fat)
do some workout, dont spend time lazying around ur couch..
(u can do this bt watering the plants, cleaning ur house, walking, skipping or the best thing is to go for aerobic or yoga sessions...

Other Answers:
sit ups, no eating
infinite wisdom

Have some self control and stop eating so much, also stay away from fast foods and fatty foods, amazing what a little slef control can achieve!

sit-ups - the real ones not those stupid crunches they keep advertising.

lay on your back, pull your knees up until your feet are flat on the ground. put your palms on your temples, elbows forward and sit-up until the elboz reaches the top of your knee. slowly sit down again in a controlled manner.

try ab crunches
best way!!

flatten your tummy by my excerxise and works

Do what I do.get a smaller plate and eat only how much the small plate can hold.

Pratice TaeKwonDo.and jog/walk 6 kilometers a day, drink LOTS of WATER.more than 8 glasses.drink water before and after meals to replace the amount of food you usually miss.believe me.My waistline was 30 and in one month it suddenly got to 26 :D

or simply sweat.see the results.try it yourself.if you maintain this for a'll be in any shape you want^_^

hope this helped you.Gammbate kudasai!(try your best.)

you cannot just spot train the abs. You need to burn more calories than you consume = weight loss. Doing ab exercises shouldn't be done more than twice a week either or your overloading the muscle group. Here is a good list of ab workouts but to lose weight you need to do your cardio 30-45min 3-4 times weekly. Then your diet is going to play a huge part eating clean foods 4-5 small meals a day

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