How many different types of HPV's is there?!


of course it has many type ,they known by number and type 16,18,31,33 and 35 known as risk factor for cervical displasia and cervix cancer for sure but it has many other type that are safe

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There are LOTS, over 30. The ones that cause cervical cancer are HPV 16 and 18.

I dont know the exact number. Some source say more than 70. Some types are considered high risk as they have strong relation with cancer. Example: HPV 16, 18. The low risk types have weaker relation with cancer, e.g. HPV 6, 11. You can find more about this virus online.

I believe it's like 80,000 different viruses, but they either run the risk of causing herpes, genital warts or cervical cancer.

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