why do we get pimples on face , & what is the precauction to get rid of this and!


Well, pimples are a natural way of life. Its cause from oils, like when we touch our face.so try not to. Use non oily foundations. Wash your face AM and PM. If you have severe acne, try using Proactive, clearasal, or noxzema. Some people are very very lucky, and dont get pimples at all, while the unfortunate do get some. If you find that your face is extra oily, then try washing your face, waiting for ur face to dry, then put on make up. They have certain make-ups now, that help against oily faces. Good luck.

Other Answers:
It's because of the bacteria + oil.

You should wash your face daily. If you want to buy products, make sure you know which one is suitable for you. Once, I used Biore for Men but although it said it's for man, it didn't work for me as more and more pimple appear.
Moral of the story : Don't believe the product easily.

Sometimes, it's good to see what our older sis/bro use, because we have nearly same gene with them, and usually what work for them, work for us

flexin_am is right. you should wash your face everyday, after you wake up, and before you sleep. I've tried it. I'm 22 and I haven't had a pimple. Promizz!
personal experience

Basically everyone has described why we get pimples, fact of life. I've recently tried the "Clearasil Ultra- Deep Pore Gel Wash" its suppose to be 'visibly clearer skin in just 3 days". I was impressed, so i'm trying it out. On my first day of trying it out, i realised that after using it. It makes your face feel much more tighter and less shiny, because it takes all the oils out, which the oils are what causes pimples. I'm putting it to the test to see if it works.

pimples are from dirt, oil and hormones in your body. some people get them and others dont. my advise to you is to not touch your face because the oil and dirt off your fingers will rub off into your pores. wash your face every morning and before you go to bed. if you are really bothered and feel self-concious, then i would order proactiv. i use it and it works great!

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