How are you preparing for the Bird Flu?!


Take vitamins, eat healthy, do more exercise, be more positive (I heard being negative can cause more health problems in the near future), start buying more GermX sanitizer for your hands (cause it kills 99.99 percent of germs and I seem to never get sick when using it on my hands), try alternative medicine (if your medicine gives you nothing but side effects and more hospitals seem to now get into alternative medicine), Bio-feedback (to help you), keep thinking this bird flu will never hurt you, stay away from other people when they are sick, always wash your hands every time you eat, or have snacks, and always cook your food

The bird flu can't get you if you won't let it.
If you get negative and say the bird flu will kill yourself then it probably will happen.

Other Answers:
By ignoring the media hype - like I did with the swine flu crap that supposedly was going to kill everyone in the late 70s; or the killer bees in the 90s; or that fish that can crawl from lake to lake a couple years ago..

don't touch any dead birds, especially water fowl.
Or so I heard

30 push-ups everyday morning :D

I'm not. It's over hyped just like every other pandemic that was going to happen in the last 5 years. The media needs to get over this "lets try and freak everyone out" mode.

I'm stocking up on chicken. LOL!!

i've built an elaborate underground bunker, stocked up with at least a year's worth of food and water, and got a few AK's with enough ammo to conquer Iraq. Ain't no bird flu gittin me!

by eating more chicken.

By using natural anti-virals like colloidal silver, olive leaf concentrate, and grapefruit seed extract they are very potent.

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