What do I do with a white eye pencil? It was an impulse buy and I'm makeup illi!

If you can, use it on your lower lid, putting a thin line between you eyelashes and eyeball. Tyra does that and says it makes you have big baby doll, innocent eyes.

Other Answers:
Use it to write on black paper.

You use it to line the inner rims of your eyes, it is supposed to make you look more awake or make your eyes look bigger.

White eye pencil is so over.
Trash it.

Use it on your lower lid right on the rim above your lashes right next to your eye ball. It's supposed to give the illusion of bigger brighter eyes!

it makes you look wierd

I think it'll make you look like you fell into some "white-out"

Line the inside rim of your lower lashes, it will make you eyes seem more white. Also you can use it under you fingernails to give a more french manicure look without the fuss, just paint clear or lt pink coat over the top of the nail and voila

Well, you can use it with some darker eyeshadow.. like black-brown or black and give your eyes a smokey look.

let it go, hun. just let it go.

Go to your local library or better yet buy this book:" Making Faces" by Kevin Acquoin (now deceased) He was the best make-up artist there was in my opinion.
He'll go over make-up theory, color etc., many sample photos. It's not cheap but if you want to do make-up right it's worth the price. Don't listen to people that say that is so yesterday. Certain things never die and are the basics of applying make-up.
I was a fashion photographer and this book taught me to do make-up myself on the models.
Good Luck

I love using white eyeliner (though drawn on very lightly) to create the illusion of whiter, brighter and bigger eyes. I'm a chink, what can I say. Anything to make my eyes look less squinty haha!

Go for it!


If you line the bottom of your eye with it it'll open up your eyes.Make them look bigger

you can use it for a quick french manicure--- just make sure it's sharp and color under your nails for a quick fix.
my grandma

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