What's home remedy to get rid of cankers?!


Tepid teabag, especially black tea, lay it on the sore for approximately 5-10 minutes at a time.

Other Answers:
gargle with peroxide

Well, I can think of one that I've used when I was desperate. It's not the most pleasant experience, but take a pinch of salt and pour it over the affected area.

Warning: This will start to hurt really, really bad.

Also, while it might not be a home remedy, you could try diluting some hydrogen peroxide (the stuff in that big brown bottle) and gargling with it. I'm not sure how well this will work, but chances are it will hurt too.

As for medication, get Abreeva. It's costly, but it's one of the only things that has worked for me and it works quickly.

It sounds bad but it works, gargle with salt 5or6 times a day.My son also suggested to bite a raisin in half and rub the inside portion of the raisin on your canker.

Gargling w/ salt water/ hydrogen peroxide don't do anything. I am someone who has gotten these things countless times. In reference to canker sores (inside of mouth not outside). Here is what you do:

At the first sign/tingling of these things happening, get a bunch of Q-tips. Spin the Q-tip over the tiny new canker and clear it out. Then get Listerine or Cepacol mouthwash (Cepacol is my favorite) and dilute it a tad w/ water and gargle for 1-2 mins. Do this repeatedly at the first signs of the canker. Usually cankers take 2 wks to heal. Do what I mentioned above and the only last from 2-4 days. I always do this and it has made my life 100% better. Plus I'm a sales rep, I need to talk for a living!! Good luck.

gargle with a warm salt water solution. This will draw out any liquids, and dry the cankers out. healing them faster. and drink plenty of water. Plus see why you have them in the first place. maybe you are allergic to something you ate. Usually acidy foods, like pineapple, tomatoes, ect.

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