what causes really bad breath? how can you tell someone their breath smells real!

do they even realize how bad their breath smells?
Umm I think the bacteria in your mouth causes bad breath. Not brushing your teeth can result in having these bacteria, constantly.

If the person is your good friend I recommend you tell them when no one is around and hand them a stick of gum or something.

Other Answers:
onions test your breath exxagerattly in front of him!

I always carry breath freshning gum in my purse & pull it out & chew some when i am afraid i migh have bad breath or notice that someone else does. When in a crowd, you'll be surprised how many hands reach out & it's ok to offer the ofender a piece of gum. Hope this helps.

Bad breath can be small particles of food stuck somewhere either between your teeth or on your tongue. Food that smell are the culprits. For example onions, garlic, any types of meat. Cigarettes are the major problem.

I try not to be rude and tell someone their breath smells, so when they are talking to me I cover my mouth and nose. They will get the point. Or sometimes I give them gum or candy.

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