How many times do you use your razor before replacing it?!


When I reach my pain threshold.

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Usually I use it once or twice.

Until it gets dull.

2-3 times unless it gets dull or rusty


probaly about 5 times : )

I'm cheap, so when it quits shaving hair..

pry too many!!

If you're talking about the disposable type, I use it once & discard it.
me, myself & I


I never use them.

I use my razor once only before replacing it in my bathroom cabinet! I replace the blade after 7 uses (weekly). Are you sure you asked the correct question? Perhaps it requires an Englishman to accurately use the English Language.
63 years experience of conditioning, training, education, and use.

if you use it more than once you get big bumps on your skin.

I always use disposables. I don't use it a certain number of times, just change it whenever I think I've used it for a while.

Whenever it quits shaving the hairs

well honestly two times that is throw away though!! But recently i got venus devine and it is not throw away i have used it about 4 times.

a few times

I use the shick use it till the soap is gone then you throw it away and buy new ones..mine last me about a month..

i use it till it gets dull.
why go through a bunch when
it works the just as good the
second time.

Do you REALLY wanna know? I use it about 4 or 5 times because otherwise I have to buy more and I don't wanna spend more money than I have to on shaving than I have to!

when it doensnt work right

Once it stops serving its purpose -- that is, once it stops shaving hair.

Why replace anything that ain't broken?

It may be expensive but only use a razor once it prevents the spread of bacteria.

Gillette triple blades last at least 7 - 8 , unless you are a susquatch .Once !
Myself !

4 to 5 days

until it falls apart and scratches u up.i suggest changing it then or a lil b4 that happens

2 to 3 times unless I cut myself with it before then.

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